Town Jazz Saturday night at Jo’An’s

Teresa Halliburton, a longtime and well-known Idyllwild resident, will present “A Capella Science.” It will be the last STEAM (Science, Technology, Art, Math) event at the Idyllwild Library for the summer. I interviewed Halliburton, who resonated energy as she explained what she would be presenting to the families at the STEAM event. “Using concepts of…
Volunteers with the Scouts West 4×4 Club spent a weekend recently blocking an unauthorized road leading into the Santa Rosa Wilderness above Palm Desert.
Budget doesn’t sacrifice quality with these filmmakers You can attend the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema to just view the great movies. But you also can attend the seminars to learn and to hear stories about film making from the professionals. This year, on March 9, festival founder Stephen Savage, and chair of the IIFC,…
Will discuss the way forward for Idyllwild Arts Every Friday at All School, a luncheon gathering of Idyllwild Arts Academy faculty and students, there is a call and response that is an IAA tradition. “Remember who you are,” is the call. “And what you stand for,” is the response. Pamela Jordan, Idyllwild Arts Foundation president,…