Tree lighting ceremony in urgent need of sponsor and chairpersons
Although the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce had agreed to be the overall producer and sponsor of the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, it has now stepped away from this overall responsibility.
The Tree Lighting Ceremony has been a long tradition of the village’s holiday season.
Legal proceedings against the Chamber and its individual directors have caused the organization to withdraw at this time. Individual directors may still be involved in some capacity.
With fewer than two months until the event, chairpersons as well as an overall nonprofit sponsoring organization are urgently needed for this long-established holiday mainstay. The sponsorship of the nonprofit allows donations to be tax deductible.
Marge Muir and Karen Doshier, longstanding ceremony promoters and organizers, have detailed production guidelines that clearly spell out how to stage the event and dates by which items must be completed.
Doshier said critical committees that need chairpersons as soon as possible are advertising and public relations, finance and program. Facilities and infrastructure are also very important. In addition, chairpersons are needed for Santa Claus, vendor booths, the Christmas tree itself, and setup and cleanup.
The Muir and Doshier production calendar called for event preparation to begin in July. Three months later, in October, much remains to be done if this event is to take place. Doshier stresses she and Muir are available to advise but strong volunteers are needed and they’re needed now for the event to be successful.
Doshier said an additional $2,000 needs to be raised to fund the $5,000 ceremony cost.
Contact Gary Taylor, Fern Valley Inn owner, at (951) 659-8100, or by email through, if interested in chairing a committee.
Contact Karen Doshier, if you need more information about what is needed now. Doshier can be reached at (951) 659-8335 or 452-4599.