Pollution readings below Shell Station are mixed: Third quarter results show improvement

Third Quarter monitoring of the underground storage tank at the Village Food and Fuel site (Shell Station) produced mixed results since the June sampling.

Several hydrocarbon readings increased at Monitoring Well no. 1, while the overall trend continued to diminish, according to the engineer’s report from Robert Manning, project manager and senior geologist for the property owners.

Concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene and xylenes increased in this period. Manning repeated his observation that these concentrations are higher at deeper elevations. Summer and fall weather, noticeably the lack of precipitation, result in falling groundwater levels and higher hydrocarbon concentrations during these periods.

Methyl-tertiary-butyl ethane (MTBE) was detected in only three monitoring wells and its level was slightly higher than spring, but considerably lower than historical levels. For example, at Monitoring Well no. 10, the September reading was 1,640 micrograms per liter (μg/l), which is the lowest amount (except for March 2012) since 1998.

RM Environmental took four soil-bore samples in October. Their analyses will be shared with the county’s Department of Environmental Health later this month.

The purpose of the borings will be to evaluate the remaining in-situ soil hydrocarbon compounds in the vicinity of the former USTs in the site, RM Environmental stated in its July work plan.

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