Isis presents ‘Love, Loss and What I Wore’

The cast of “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” which the Isis Theatre Company performed in March, is (from left) Susan Hegarty, Jeri Greene, Emily Heebner, Christina Lee Nordella and Ann DeWolfe. Photo by Jenny Krichner

Isis Theatre Company will reprise its March production of “Love, Loss and What I Wore.” The Ephron sisters — well known Nora and Delia — wrote a series of monologues based on Ilene Beckerman’s 1995 book of the same title.

The subjects range from relationships to wardrobes and women’s clothing serves as a time capsule of Beckerman’s life.

Nora Ephron wrote the introduction to Beckerman’s book and felt attached from the moment she read it. Eventually she and her sister contacted more than 100 friends and asked questions that were woven into the monologues.

Prom dresses, mini skirts, sweaters, purses and dressing rooms are all part of the backdrop for an evening of humor and poignant thoughts about today’s society from the female perspective.

The cast of five characters will be Suzanne Avalon, Ann DeWolfe, Jeri Greene, Emily Heebner and Christina Lee Nordella.

The performances will be 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 1, at the Rainbow Inn in Idyllwild. A reception will precede the performance.

Tickets are $15 for general admission. Tickets may be purchased at the door, or online at

There is also a Dinner Theatre Package available for $45, which includes a three course meal at the Gastrognome Restaurant and a ticket to the play with preferred seating.

For information call (951) 692-9553, or log onto the website at

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