Town Crier opens in new office

The full-time staff of the Town Crier Newspaper & Visitors Center poses in front of the new office, located in the Oakwood Village at 54425 North Circle Drive. Pictured above, back row, are J.P. Crumrine, news editor, Grace Reed, advertising sales manager, Lisa Streeter, advertising representative, Teresa Garcia-Lande, production assistant; front row, Halie Johnson, operations manager, Becky Clark, editor-publisher, Dolores Sizer, classifieds, service directory and public notices and Shane Fender, advertising representative and notary public. A grand opening celebration will take place on July fourth in the new office after the parade. The public is invited. Photo by Jack Clark

Becky Clark unpacks her new office. Photo by Barbara Reese

Grace Reed (left) and Teresa Garcia-Lande ponder what to take and what to keep during the Town Crier move from Village Center Drive to 54425 North Circle Drive last Friday morning. Photo by Barbara Reese

The move into the new Town Crier office and Visitors Center on North Circle Drive took place Friday morning and through the weekend. Staff and others were busy getting the place set up for business as quickly as possible. Photo by Barbara Reese

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