Opinion: Coverage kept panic at bay
I am the mother of Robyn Shaffer, whom I believe you know, and as such I must acknowledge that the Town Crier was the single most effective avenue of news and updates during the recent horrific [Mountain]fire.
I am a Los Angeles resident and my ordinary news sources, such as ABC, CBS and NBC, were woefully inept and irregular in their coverage of the ongoing catastrophe.
I spoke with Robyn on her cell as little as my fears for her would permit, primarily to limit usage of the precious minutes. I remained primarily dependent on your website, which was timely, coherent and accurate.
The ungodly fear of those of us with loved ones in the perilous situation was only kept from panic, at least in my case, by your remarkable photos and your extremely impressive journalism. I speak to all of you now with the deepest respect and gratitude for your courage, your terrific reportage, and the consistency of your remarkable contribution throughout the horror.
I salute you and I thank you and all the brave men and women who served so valiantly in the battle for survival. With admiration and appreciation,
Jo de Winter
Los Angeles