Breaking News: Flooding traps at least one person in Silent Valley
UPDATE 5 P.M. Radio traffic indicates significant receding of the water levels. The Cal Fire Incident Commander has released the swift water teams and is reconnoitering the area.
UPDATE 4:40 P.M. At least one person is trapped in a recreational vehicle surrounded by fast moving water. Another person may also be trapped.
The swift water rescue team, an ambulance and at least two hand crews from Cal Fire have been requested and are on their way, according to Peter Lent, Riverside County Office of Emergency Services.
Evacautions are encouraged in the neighborhood of Foxtrot and Echo streets in the Silent Valley area.
Vista Grande, Forest Service Ranger Station, reported that 1.2 inches of rain fell between 3 and 4 p.m., this afternoon.
UPDATE 4:26 P.M.
Heavy rains have created flooding in the Silent Valley area.
According to scanners, at least one person is trapped in a trailer.
Riverside county is activating swift water rescue teams.