IFPD to consider future dispatch services provider
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District has announced a special meeting for Tuesday, Jan. 7.
The purpose of the special session is to discuss the District contract with Riverside County for emergency dispatch services.
The contract between IFPD and the county expires on March 11. There are two one-year extension, and a 60-day notification clause, according to Fire Chief Patrick Reitz.
The commission will discuss sending a letter to the County requesting opening negotiations. In addition, the it will also consider authorizing a request for proposal for dispatch services.
“Due to the escalation in the fees over the term of the contract, the District needs to evaluate its options for Dispatch Services,” Reitz said Friday in an email.
The meeting will start at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 7. The IFPD commission meetings are held in the conference room at the Idyllwild Fire Station.