Reader’s Write: Realtors’ letter offends off-Hiller
I support the Town Crier’s efforts and placement within the paper to keep all of us informed about the facts and realities in Idyllwild — the good stories as well as the bad. Keep up the good work, and keep things as they are. It is not just for the tourists to know what is going on in Idyllwild, but for the homeowners and business owners as well.
I am offended by the suggestion that the Realtors association of Idyllwild has presented. It sounds as though they want you to bury the facts, because the unpleasant truth and facts are messing with their own personal business. Manipulating the press or playing down the truth is not a productive way to stop the crime in Idyllwild.
Last winter, I left a message for the president of the Realtors association and also spoke with several Idyllwild business owners regarding the break-ins and what is being done to stop them. I was surprised that the community as a whole did not become more proactive. Still, the thefts and break-ins continue.
I offer these two solutions. Since the realtors have a large stake in the health and welfare of Idyllwild, why don’t they vanguard or spearhead an effort for the community to employ private security to guard residents’ homes and businesses, or maybe offer legal monetary rewards for catching the criminals. Turning a blind eye is not going to get the job done.
It is apparent that the thieves are actually taking more than physical possessions from the community. They are stealing those “good-old-days” feelings away from Idyllwild as well.
Bill O’Connor