In light of the results of the recent Idyllwild Water District election I would to make the following comments.
First of all, congratulations to the new board. The people of Idyllwild spoke with a loud and unified voice that they want to see change.
I strongly suggest that Michael Freitas, a current board member, resign his board position immediately for the following reasons.
Public comments about a former employee by a sitting board member is, in my opinion, wholly inappropriate. His paid political statement in the Town Crier during a campaign did exactly that.
Now that Mr. Kunkle has been overwhelmingly elected, how are we as citizens expected to believe that Mr. Freitas will be able to work in concert with a man he clearly did not want on the water board?
In a most recent meeting I attended, I observed that Mr. Freitas doesn’t appear to actively contribute to the dialogue of the meeting.
If this is, in fact, the case, then the people of Idyllwild deserve a fully participating director and not someone who just goes with the flow.
Victor Sirkin