Reader’s Write: Taking my Realtor business elsewhere

I have recently read the unsigned letter from the members of the Idyllwild Association of Realtors. I have to say I strongly disagree. The news printed in your newspaper is, first and foremost, for the residents of Idyllwild. News that is important to this community, whether good or bad, belongs on the front page, not buried at the back of the paper.

If there are break-ins in my neighborhood, I want to see that right away. Put it on the front page. If the county is going to lower my property tax, put it on the front page. This is what newspapers do. They prioritize the news. What’s important should come first.

As for the tourists, they may pick up a copy of the paper when they arrive in town, but they are not interested in the local news. Most of them turn to your “On the town” page (page 13 last week). Here is everything they need to know about arts and entertainment in our town.

There is no reason to believe what is printed in your paper has had a negative impact on the number of tourists visiting our town. They’re not going to read the paper, put the kids back in the car and go home.

Now, I don’t know where the Realtors have been for the past six weeks, but I was here, and I have seen the best holiday season in the 10 years I have lived here. The weekends were so crowded with tourists, I often had trouble finding a place to park.

I talked to a friend of mine who owns a restaurant in town and he told me that on the day of the tree lighting, he had to turn people away. On New Year’s Day, he had the busiest day he can remember. Other retail business owners I talked to said their sales were up. And during this time the paper reported a number of break-ins and car crashes.

The real-estate association quit advertising in the Town Crier some time ago, and now it has the nerve to suggest how best to run the paper. It has a long way to go to prove its point.

In the last 10 years, I have bought four homes and sold one. Personally, I am finished with them in the future. I will take my business elsewhere.

Ray Brown

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