Readers write: Enjoyed last week’s paper …


I can’t let last week’s issue go by without letting you know how much I enjoyed it.  In fact, I thought it was one of the best issues you’ve ever published and I read almost every article.

I commend you for what I hope will become a new series, “Health on the Hill,” with many contributors. It was a poignant and brave beginning by Bryan Asch. I’m wishing that it receives many positive replies that touch people who have had similar experiences in their own or family members’ childhoods.   This is all too common and it is helpful to all of us to have Bryan step forward to bring these sad stories to light.

Of course, I always, enjoy what Connor has to say in his column. “No complaints” is a great way to think about one’s life.

I appreciate these so-called human interest columns.

Lorel Cornman

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