“Little Shop of Horrors” is the final 2013-14 production of the Idyllwild Arts Academy’s Theater Department. The musical was first performed in 1982 and has become a favorite throughout this country and internationally.
For those unfamiliar with the movie, the plot is simply about a florist shop worker who raises a plant that feeds on human blood and flesh.
Roger Corman’s 1960 low-budget horror film titled, “The Little Shop of Horrors,” and Charles Griffith’s screenplay are the basis for the musical. Howard Ashman wrote the book and lyrics, and Alan Menken created the musical score.
Menken’s music embraces the early 1960s styles of rock ‘n’ roll, doo-wop and early Motown.
“This clever and quirky musical adaptation of a 1960 horror film was a success in and out of the United States. Enjoy the show,” says Director and Theatre Department Chair Howard Shangraw.
The “Little Shop of Horrors” opened in May 1982 at the Workshop of the Players’ Art Theatre in New York for a run of 24 performances. In July, it was transferred to the Orpheum Theater and had a 2,209-performances run. When it closed in 1987, it had been the third-longest-running musical in Off-Broadway history.
“Little Shop of Horrors” was Ashman and Menken’s first successful show. After this, Menken’s focus turned mostly to film. Menken and Ashman worked together for several Walt Disney animated features, including “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Aladdin.”
Musical director for the IA production is Nelms McKelvain on keyboard. Stage manager is Idyllwild’s Zoe Crawford.
“Little Shop of Horrors” is on stage at 7:30 p.m., both Friday and Saturday, May 9 and 10. A third performance is at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 11. All will be at the IAF Theatre on the Idyllwild Arts campus.