Past tense: May 8, 2014

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65 years ago – 1949
Dr. Harry Pearlman, Louis Pearlman, Louis Artin and Sam Melca started up Devil’s Slide Trail hoping to hike down the desert side. But after nine hours of floundering in snow up to their armpits, they reappeared in Fern Valley.
60 years ago – 1954
A San Bernardino radio show host interviewed a local biographer of Davy Crockett, Marion Michael Null, about his just-published book, “The Forgotten Pioneer.”
55 years ago – 1959
Earth movers were grading Dutch Flat, preparing to build a nine-hole golf course.
50 years ago – 1964
Southern California Edison opened a second power line to Idyllwild from the valley. Better electrical service for all the mountain communities was promised.
45 years ago – 1969
Lt. Col. Charles Klinkert of Anza received the Silver Star for the rescue of four downed U.S. Marine helicopter crewmen in Vietnam.
40 years ago – 1974
The Town Crier reminded folk it was time to harvest manzanita berries and published a recipe for manzanita jelly.
35 years ago – 1979
The California Department of Transportation was accepting public comments on a proposed curve realignment project on a “death trap” between Idyllwild and Mountain Center on Highway 243.
30 years ago – 1984
It was long overdue and some Hill residents had given up hope, but the first measurable snowfall of the season fell on Idyllwild on April 27.
25 years ago – 1989
At a meeting of the Hill Municipal Advisory Council, local artists Jonathan LeBenne and Chuck Kawalchuck presented their proposal to turn Idyllwild’s landmark tree in the middle of South Circle Drive, which had died from pine beetle infestation, into a 50-foot carved monument.
20 years ago – 1994
Preparations were being made for the fifth-annual Timber Festival that would be held in June.
15 years ago – 1999
Local high-schooler Jenny Kirchner was selected as one of 10 high school students from all over North America to attend the fifth International Photography Summit in San Diego. Kirchner is now a Town Crier freelance photographer.
10 years ago – 2004
An Italian-style mosaic that had taken students and community volunteers about two years to complete was installed at the entrance of Idyllwild School. The project was organized by artist and retired art teacher Gary Parton.
5 years ago – 2009
Idyllwild’s local science camp, AstroCamp, had a public star party the prior Sunday night. The event brought in about 20 people and was free of charge.
1 year ago – 2013
Summer was fast approaching and that meant wildland fire season was coming, too — except it was already here. Several major fires burned in California, and two about 25 miles from Idyllwild in the last week, caused by discarded cigarettes, illegal burning, sparks and hot construction equipment.