Candidate filing opens Monday for Nov. 4 general election
Riverside County Registrar of Voters Rebecca Spencer announced Friday that anyone interested in running for office on the Nov. 4 general election ballot may take out candidate filing papers beginning Monday, July 14. The papers must be filed by 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 8.
If an incumbent fails to file, the deadline for that office will be extended to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13, for everyone except the incumbent.
Hemet Unified School District Trustee Areas 1 and 2 will be open for election. Vic Scavarda currently represents Area 1 and was appointed in June 2013 to replace Bill Sanborn, who resigned. Paul Bakkom, current HUSD chairman, represents Area 2.
Scavarda said he intends to file for election to a full term. “The need to support the service, education and the outlying schools is still there,” he explained.
The terms of trustees Horacio “Ross” Valenzuela and Joe Wojcik, who represent Hemet, expire this year.