The U.S. Forest Service has posted the following information regarding the ignition of two small lightning fires in the San Jacinto Ranger District Saturday, Aug. 2
Incident Overview
Lightning storms passing through Southern California mountains have started small lightning related fires in the San Bernardino National Forest. Firefighters will be working to suppress all of these fires.
The fires are being suppressed by fire engines, hand crews, and helicopter water drops. The US Forest Service is conducting aerial reconnaissance flights each day over the forest to assist with detection of new lightning related fires. The reconnaissance flights are part of our normal operating plan after lightning storms.
Below we have listed each fire from the beginning of the lightning storms that passed over the forest. Each is listed by the name given to the fire, the time the fire was reported, the approximate location and estimated fire size. Any large fires will have a new "incident" started in InciWeb.
August 2 - 2 fires reported
1. 3:01 pm – "Rock 1" - located near Suicide Rock north of Idyllwild, 50' x 50' fire including 2-3 snags, crews are accessing this and the Rock 2 Fire via Deer Springs Trail so hikers are encouraged to use an alternate trail
2. 4:28 pm - "Rock 2" - located west of Suicide Rock, 50' x 50' fire