Legion benefit for BJ Ebner Saturday

The American Legion Post 800 is hosting a brats and potato bar benefit for longtime Legion Ladies Auxiliary member and past president BJ Ebner and her husband Wayne.

From 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, the Legion will present a fun-filled community event featuring an adult spelling bee ($5 entry fee), and M&M guessing contest ($1 a guess) and a liquor box raffle ($1 a ticket), with all proceeds, including the $8 per-person event ticket price, going to benefit the Ebner family.

According to Ebner friend, event organizer and current Ladies Auxiliary President Carli Nicols, Mrs. Ebner has suffered with Crohn’s disease (a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract) for some time but was recently diagnosed with a number of cancerous conditions, including ones of the liver and kidneys. “She has to go off Hill to the doctor once a week,” said Nicols, “and there are also the costs of gas and $50 doctor visit copays in addition to copays for very expensive medications.” Nicols said the addition of these recurring and not insignificant charges for the couple who live on a fixed income, is a significant financial burden.

She encouraged the community to attend since Legion events are always fun for all. More importantly, in Idyllwild, there is a tradition, when residents face health challenges, of coming together to help. “Wayne and BJ have both given their time and attention to support all of our troops, past and present, and this is an opportunity to show our support by donating what we can in their time of need,” said Nicols.

Nicols added that if one cannot attend, they may still send checks (for the ticket price or more) to Wayne Ebner, c/o American Legion Post 800, P.O. Box 800, Idyllwild, CA 92549.

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