Town Hall Soccer

Sports Coordinator Richard Mozeleski gave this report on this season’s soccer games.

Well, soccer is off and running on the Hill for 2014. This year’s season is dedicated to Idyllwild’s American Legion Post 800. A big thank you for their quiet, steady support of all the sports, year in and year out, and through all of thick and thin.

All of the youth teams are outfitted in assorted “camo” colors. A bonus of money donated to injured vet homes by our uniform supplier was icing on the cake.

Well, now for a sports report. The tone for this season was set right from the start with the 4- and 5-year-old kindergartners. They came out kickin’. The Awesome Rockets and Red Cheetahs fiercely battled to a 0-0 tie. The competition was so tough, one of the coaches commented, “I’ve never seen two bloody noses in one kindergarten game before.” The defense was so tough that league authorities (that would be me) have stepped in to change goals from the little-guys’ goals to big-kid goals to help enhance scoring. This huge change to soccer in Idyllwild is reminiscent to when the N.B.A. stepped in during the Wilt Chamberlain era and widened the key.

Anyway, 6-8, 9-11, teens adults — no matter — the play is fast and furious. Kids are playing Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Teens play Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. And intense adult action takes place on Wednesday and Saturday after 5 p.m. Got nothin’ to do? Bring a chair and a jacket — you won’t be disappointed. See you there.


Team W L T

Ages 4-5:

Town Crier Storm 1 0 0

Dora’s Red Cheetahs 0 0 1

Leigh’s Awesome Rockets 0 1 1


Ages 6-8:

Forest Lumber Manchester United 1 0 0 Blue Nightmares 1 0 0

Rustic Theatre Falcons 2 1 0

Idyllwild Cabin Rentals Green Dragons 0 1 0

Idyllwild Heating Knights 0 2 0


Ages 9-11:

Suburban Sand Dragons 2 0 0

Pine Cove Market Crimson Tide 1 1 0

Pacific Slope Avengers 0 1 0

Somewhere in Time Blue Dynamite 0 1 0



Austin Tile 1 1 0

Roby Gray Construction 1 1 0

Clayton Masonry 1 1 0



Arriba 5 0 0

Cafe Aroma 3 1 0

Lumber Mill 3 2 0

Idyllwild Bake Shop & Brew 2 2 0

Idyllwild Pizza 1 4 0

La Casita 0 2 0