
Creature Corner: February 18, 2016

rey with bow

Breaking news:  Chewy’s agent has found him a new gig as a forever member of a forever family.  The cast is happy for him, but will miss his charming antics.    When we left off last week in The Days of Our Nine Lives, Sadie was charming a visitor in the ARF cattery, much to Bobbie’s dismay.

Sadie:  (to Rey)  See, this is how it’s done.  This man is as good as mine!

Rey:  Talking about charming one’s way into another’s heart, did you hear that Heavenly Whiskers was wooed by Mr. Gray on Valentine’s Day?

sadie tiara

Heavenly Whiskers:  (entering the room, looking very happy) Talking about me?  Surprised, aren’t you?  I understand.

Heavenly Whiskers
Heavenly Whiskers

I’m very quiet and subdued, but obviously beautiful because Mr. Gray has been eyeing me for months now.

Mr. Gray:  (Sneaking up behind Heavenly Whiskers) Hey Baby!  How’s my pretty Valentine?

Heavenly Whiskers:  Ooohh!  You sweet man!  You surprised me.  You’re usually in your cat condo, waiting for attention.    I think your forever family will have to be patient with you, just as they would with me.  We both need a little time to warm up to humans, but not to each other.  Ohhlala!

Bobbie:  Enough about all of you!  What about me?  My forever family won’t have any other cats, but you know, it would be okay if they had a dog.  Dogs aren’t so bad.

Mr. Gray:  Well Ms. Know-it-all Bobbie, what’s up with the cat out in the office?

Mr. Gray
Mr. Gray

Bobbie:  Oh, that’s Leia, Rey’s mom.  Guess she’s just too shy to be in the cattery with us.  She loves humans, so she’s in training to be the office cat, until she gets her forever family.

Sadie:  Darn it!  Our visitor heard you.  Now he’s out in the office petting Leia.  Thanks a lot Bobbie!

Join us next week to see if Heavenly Whiskers and Mr. Gray’s romance is still alive.

Please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4  and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored by Idyllwild Vacation Rentals and Nugget the office dog.

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