Eye of the Artist will be Wild

The Art Alliance of Idyllwild is known for its flagship events anticipated by patrons both on Hill and off.
Coming on Saturday, March 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Rainbow Inn, is one of the most anticipated events — the Eye of the Artist, and this year it will be wild.
“Wild” is the theme around which member artists can create and gallery members may donate, giving them latitude and longitude to fabricate fantasy.
The Eye event is billed as one of the biggest art parties in Idyllwild with opportunities for attendees to win AAI-member artist creations. The party is guaranteed to be a feast for the eyes, reminding attendees why Idyllwild has long been known for the consistent brilliance of its galleries and fine art.
This will also be one of AAI’s judged shows and one of its most successful fundraisers. Artists who register for the show will create in seven categories: oil and acrylics; water-based media; pastels/charcoal/drawings and print making; mixed media and collage; sculpture/bas relief and found objects; photographic art and jewelry; and wearable art. First- and second-place ribbons will be awarded in each competitive category. This year’s judge is painter and sculptor James Jared Taylor of Desert Hot Springs.
The AAI board has designed its calendar of events to be festive and fun. Beginning this year, it has social gatherings as outreach to the community and opportunities to get to know member artists at community potlucks and “mingles.” Hospitality Director Beth Severance notes that creating art can be a solitary process. “It’s important to have networking among artists and opportunities for interaction,” she stressed. “We need to be leaders in bringing this community together.”
The wild AAI Eye of the Artist event promises to be dazzling, fun, festive and a chance for the community get to know its accomplished artists in a relaxed and convivial setting. The public is invited and there is no charge for admission to the event.