Unrestrained dog in car causes crash with tree

Dog is truly man’s best friend, especially when trained or restrained in a moving automobile. When the dog is not car savvy and is unrestrained, however, consequences can be serious.

Such was the case at 7:10 p.m. Sunday, March 20, when Efrain Huerta, 37, of Palm Desert, and wife Iris, 36, were traveling eastbound on Highway 74, a half-mile west of Morris Ranch Road in Garner Valley. In the car with them was their dog, unnamed in the report.

According to Darren Meyer, California Highway Patrol public information officer, the Huertas were driving on a straight stretch of Highway 74 with no weather issues when Iris tried to place their dog on the floor. The dog then jumped into the lap of Efrain who was driving the car. The sudden action of the dog caused Efrain to make an unsafe turning movement, veering right onto the shoulder and into a tree. The car sustained major damage and air bags were deployed.

Neither of the Huertas was injured or required transportation. The report did not mention any injury to the dog. No other vehicles were involved in the collision.

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