Creature Corner: April 21, 2016
Last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” the feline crowd was wondering how long they’d have the three new canine companions. The cats are gathered around the water bowl, talking all at once.

Mr. Gray: What the heck? What’s all the meowing about?
Heavenly Whiskers: If you hadn’t noticed, Blue, the terrier-mix, left us for a forever family gig.
Mr. Gray: Ya know, these dogs lately are disappearing faster than a cold beer at the June 4 ARF beer festival.

Heavenly Whiskers: Ain’t that the truth.
Mr. Gray: If some forever family was to give me a chance, they’d find I’m even more soothing than a cold beer. I just need a little time to learn to trust.

Heavenly Whiskers: Same with me. Just a little time …
MJ: Alright, so Blue is gone, but Coco and I aren’t. We’ve been to the vet. We got spayed and were given all of our vaccinations.
Coco: And we got microchipped.
MJ: I think Coco and I are just as cute and sweet as Blue.

Coco: And on top of that, we’re great with other dogs and children.
Pepper: Well, my cat friends, any one of us could be adopted this month. I think people might be tempted.
Mr. Gray: Why? Because we’re so awesome?
Pepper: I know I am. Ha. We all are. But it’s because a free ticket to the beer festival comes along with every cat adoption in April.
Coco: That’s pretty cool.
MJ: But I don’t think anyone should need to be enticed because ARF cats are really great cats.
Will these ARF cats find forever family gigs this April? Will the Chihuahuas disappear as quickly as Blue did? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “The Days of our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243, Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Coyote Red’s and Chena.