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Readers Write: Pros and cons of IWD


I am tired of all the controversy surrounding the IWD. People need to do their jobs and others need to accept what is and move on.

For example, if  the board has not taken action to enforce the contractual requirement for General Manager Thomas Lynch to have a certain certification, unless the lack of that certification endangers the public or the plant, it’s time to get over it and move on. It’s a personnel matter best left to the board.

Second, the district filing legal action against a director for alleged negligence while the director was an employee is, on its face, ridiculous. The district is responsible for the actions or, lack of action, on the part of its employees.

This has the appearance of an attempt to silence the director by creating a false conflict of interest.

Come on, IWD. If you don’t like the director, act like adults and get over it. He is only one vote.

However, he is still a director selected by the voters so treat him and his position with respect. Like it or not, after the next election, he could become president of the board and payback can be painful.

Third, regarding tours of the plant, there are good reasons to allow them as well as good reasons to deny them. That decision rests with the board. The district manager’s job is to carry out the policies of the board.

If the voters don’t like the management or the board, then the board will be removed by the voters and the manager will likely follow.

Finally (tongue in cheek with a smile), with three water managers on the Hill, why can’t they arrange for us to get more rain?

Albert Bates

Pine Cove/San Diego

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