By Janice Murasko
By Janice Murasko

Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, ARF cats discussed Koda the Simoyed and her propensity to chase cats.


Leia: Wowie! My head is spinning!  Three dog adoptions in one week!


Bobbie:  Holy moly! Who got adopted?

Leia: Koda, the Samoyed, is now with a forever family right here in Idyllwild, and her name is now Sammy.

Bobbie:  Perfect name.

Leia: And Pirate found a perfect home, living between on and off the Hill.  He’s so happy. And then there was a puppy who was found in a box at Fulmor Lake. A very nice lady found her, kept her for three weeks while she began feeling better, then brought her to ARF. It took only three days for her to find her forever family.


Pompeii:  That leaves me and Tinkerbell.


Tinkerbell: Pompeii, don’t fret.  I just know when humans recognize what perfect family members we can be, we’ll find our homes.  After all, we’re quiet, we like other dogs, cats, kids, and we’re fully house trained. What more could a family want?

Grace:  Did you guys know that November is “Adopt a Senior Pet” month? I hope humans recognize what wonderful family members senior dogs and cats can be.

Carly: You’re right, Grace. Seniors have known personalities and habits, and they don’t subject humans to all of that


puppy and kitten nonsense and craziness.


Tinkerbell:  Ah, yes. My puppyhood was a festive one.

Carly: And two senior ARF cats, George and Grace, are half the usual adoption price.  Woohoo!

George:  Half the price, perhaps, but double the love and fun!

Stay tuned to see if a senior cat finds forever family love, and will Tinkerbell and Pompeii find their home?  Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week.   And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122. Check us out online at:


Creature Corner is For all of our Beloved Pets.