Idyllwild local Taylor Dravenstatt, 24, previously sent to state prison for felony burglary in 2013, was sentenced for a second felony burglary of a Perris residence that occurred on Sept. 6, 2016.
As part of the minute order from the sentencing proceeding on Friday, Nov. 18, Dravenstatt’s burglary charge was reduced from first to second degree. He pleaded guilty to the reduced count and received 36 months of formal probation and a sentence of 180 days.
Dravenstatt was given credit for presentence time served of 74 days, plus an another 74 days for a total of 148 days credit.
The balance of the sentence, 32 days, will be served in the work release program. Dravenstatt was ordered to report on or before Jan. 3, 2017. As part of the court order, priors one and two (prior serious felony conviction and prison prior within five years) were stricken.
After sentencing, Dravenstatt was released on probation. Part of probationary terms requires Dravenstatt to pay costs of probation supervision in an amount to be determined by the Probation Department ranging from $591 to $3,744.
Dravenstatt’s co-defendants Charles Stratton and Geoffrey Helmick were granted probation on similar terms.