ICC Milestone Meeting on Saturday, Feb. 4
A discussion of the status of the Idyllwild Community Center and the plans for 2017 will be part of a public community meeting Saturday, Feb. 4.
Other items on the proposed agenda include the ICC Design Team, the committees responsible for fundraising, recreation programs, events and activities, and advisors to the board with particular areas of expertise.
On Jan. 17, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors unanimously consented to the county Planning Commission’s approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the site.
This action let everyone know the board’s support for the ICC project extends beyond our small community, according to Chris Trout, marketing/public relations.
According to Janice Lyle, president of the San Jacinto Mountain Community Center board that oversees the project and site, “The compelling vision was to identify, develop and deliver facilities selected by the community to be built on a uniquely beautiful and centrally located site, Butterfield Commons on Strawberry Creek, generously donated by Loie and Dave Butterfield. The Butterfields added a gift of $2 million to ensure that the site was developed in a manner that maintained its natural setting and would be the perfect home for the Butterfield Amphitheater.”
In addition to constructing the facility, including an amphitheater for concerts and theater, ICC was awarded Riverside County’s Community Service Area 36 contract to manage recreation on the Hill.
Pete Capparelli, newly appointed chair of the Recreation Committee, stated, “ICC is very excited to engage in the oversight of recreational activities on the hill. Bob Lewis, the recreation program director and his staff will now be in charge of off-site activities at the Idyllwild Skate Park, the Idyllwild Dog Park, and Idyllwild School as well as those scheduled at Town Hall. This milestone meeting will give community members a great chance to begin public conversations about their preferences for programs for folks of all ages, interests and abilities.”
The community session will take place at Town Hall on Cedar Street in Idyllwild at 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4.