Two vacancies on CSA 36 Advisory Committee

There are currently two vacancies on the five-member County Service Area 36 Advisory Committee, according to Opal Hellweg, legislative assistant to 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington.

Previously, Kathy Sacher Wilson resigned. Recently, Ginger Dagnall submitted her resignation. Washington has accepted both resignations and thanked both Wilson and Dagnall for their service.

Hellweg said the original closing date for submitting applications was Tuesday, Jan. 31. Two individuals, Ted Janko and Sue Nash, have submitted applications, but  Hellweg said the time framework for submission could still be extended in order to receive more applications. Applications are available online at, under the community resources tab, MACs and Councils, Board/Committee applications. 

Applications can be submitted to Hellweg at [email protected] or to Supervisor Chuck Washington, 37600 Sky Canyon Dr. #505, Murrieta, Ca. 92563.

The advisory committee is scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, at Town Hall in Idyllwild. With only three presently on the committee, all three would have to be present for a quorum. But according to Hellweg, at this time the meeting is scheduled to go forward.

Requirements for service cited on the application include: an applicant must reside within 3rd District boundaries; must be a qualified elector of the community; and must have adequate time to serve. If any committee member is absent for three consecutive meetings, the position becomes automatically vacant.

Applicants are asked to state why they are interested in serving and what educational, vocational, personal experience and/or community participation will assist them in serving on a committee that supervises parcel tax-funded community recreation and street lights.

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