Easter comes early; could be a chilly one
Easter Sunday comes early this year, on April 16. For those attending the sunrise service at Inspiration Point, it could be chilly. The service, from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m., is jointly sponsored by the Community Presbyterian Church, Cross Road 243 and the Idyllwild Bible Church. It is held each year at one of the most beautiful places in Idyllwild — Inspiration Point at the end of Double View Drive. Everyone, regardless of denomination, is welcome to attend.
Attendees are advised to dress warmly and bring lawn chairs. In case of inclement weather, the service will not be held but Easter services will follow at local churches at the regular times. Check church websites and ads in this edition for Easter-week church service times.
Easter Sunday is the culmination of Lent and Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday on April 9 and continuing with Maundy or Holy Thursday, April 13. Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper or Christ’s Passover Feast with his disciples. On Friday, April 14, local churches observe Good Friday, remembering Christ’s crucifixion, passion and death, followed by Easter services celebrating Jesus’ resurrection.
At 10 a.m. Saturday, April 15, Idyllwild’s traditional Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the Idyllwild Community Center site. Hunts will be held for age categories toddler to 3 years old; 4 to 6 years old; 7 to 9 years old; 10 years and up; and anyone brave enough to admit to being “over the Hill.” Those finding a “special” egg will receive a basketful of goodies. There also will be an Easter Bonnet contest, and all festivities will be overseen by the Easter Bunny. The annual Hunt is sponsored by ICC and local businesses: Candy Cupboard, Café Aroma, Ferro, Fratello’s, Gastrognome, Idyllwild Bake Shop & Brew, Idyology, Idyllwild Pizza, La Casita, Lumber Mill and Red Kettle.
On Easter Sunday, the American Legion will welcome all who wish to attend to an Easter Brunch from noon to 2 p.m. Attendees are asked to bring a side dish. A kid’s drawing for Easter baskets and gifts will be held at 2 p.m. and there also will be an adult basket raffle.
Fulfilling Idyllwild’s reputation as a town of art and art happenings, galleries and art “hot spots” will be open as well as many local restaurants, wine bars and beer pubs. Each year, Idyllwild’s reputation as a fine-dining destination grows.
For locals and tourists, there will be much to celebrate on this celebratory weekend.