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Readers Write: Stop the pot shops


Two new pot shops and a grow house on Highway 243 in the center of town. Really? Perhaps the majority of Idyllwild residents support this use. I suspect not.

I don’t recall grow houses and pot shops listed as allowed activities within the zoning classifications or plot plans of these buildings.Whether it’s another liquor store, brewpub or pot shop, Idyllwild residents have control.

Does Chuck Washington want grow houses and pot shops in his neighborhood? Chance are no for obvious reasons.

It’s not just about increased, unwanted off-Hill client use/sales, whether a person has a right to smoke pot in their home without children/neighbors exposed, intoxicated drivers on our roads, co-workers dealing with intoxication fallout or increased burglaries funding these expensive habits/addictions, but most importantly, a community coming together, choosing what direction it wants to take, as clearly stated within the new pot law. Don’t let another business owner rip at Idyllwild’s fabric.

Let’s end this now. Fifty protester signs are a good start, followed by alot of well-placed phone calls.

Contact the United States Attorney’s Office, Central District of California, Riverside Branch Office, Suite 200, 3403 Tenth Street, Riverside, CA 92501, 855-700-2768 (toll free), 951-368-1488 (complaints)  and contact Supervisor Chuck Washington, Riverside County, 3rd District, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501, 951-955-1030 (office), 951-955-2194 (fax).

Jeff Smith

Pine Cove

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  1. I agree with Jeff Smith, no to pot house or grow house. I visit Idyllwild once in a while. Last several months made up my mind to buy a home there for when I decide to retire. However, I have been checking the area and noticed the crime rate has increased a lot for such a small population. I find you have opened the door to the drug/pot industry. Too bad, I don’t care what people say, pot is a gateway drug to the worst. Drinking alcohol is bad enough for those that can’t control themselves. Now, we have pot stores/grow houses popping up across the country and it’s just as detrimental as a alcoholic that can’t for the life of self stop drinking. Im sorry your lovely community is losing the battle to remain a safe, fun, wholesome place for sensible, tax paying, law abiding citizens to retire or vacation or to raise a family away from the detrimental big city school system. Ultra liberal CA, Yuck!

  2. I agree with Jeff Smith, no to pot house or grow house. I visit Idyllwild once in a while. Last several months made up my mind to buy a home there for when I decide to retire. However, I have been checking the area and noticed the crime rate has increased a lot for such a small population. I find you have opened the door to the drug/pot industry. Too bad, I don’t care what people say, pot is a gateway drug to the worst. Drinking alcohol is bad enough for those that can’t control themselves. Now, we have pot stores/grow houses popping up across the country and it’s just as detrimental as a alcoholic that can’t for the life of self stop drinking. Im sorry your lovely community is losing the battle to remain a safe, fun, wholesome place for sensible, tax paying, law abiding citizens to retire or vacation or to raise a family away from the detrimental big city school system. Also, been looking at homes in Crestline, again, awful stories of Meth addiction/Labs shocking increase in burglary etc. All the lovely resort like places have allowed their beautiful territory to become infested. Listen to Jeff Smith, be vigilant, fight as if your life depends on it cause if allowed to progress your lifestyle will forever change for the worst. Where can you run to, its being allowed all across the country? We are allowing our great country to become a country of sick, dependent, no education, drug culture. Oh, and yeah, we give them a check to survive cause they are incapable of working at anything but burglary, smash, grab, auto theft, mugging.
    Ultra liberal CA, Yuck!

    1. Wow. Correlation does not equal causation. Idyllwild now has a rumble strip on 243 but may or may not be causing increased crime. Maybe soaring homelessness in nearby metropolitan areas? Your stereotypes are outdated. Wait until you get cancer or chronic pain. Ever have a disabling migraine EVERY day for months and years? Cured by cannibis. Want to know what kind of dangerous prescription drugs it replaces with no kidney or liver damage?
      I am a disabled senior and not having to go off hill for medicine is a godsend. Get educated.

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