Readers Write: Opposed to anti-Christian rhetoric
I enjoy my weekly edition of the Town Crier immensely. But although I enjoy the paper, I have been offended consistently by your “Dr Tom” column. It seems to only be focused mainly on two things: insulting our president and skewering Christians.
In his most recent offering, he states he is ‘torn” regarding Sanders’ comments to Russel Vought and how it relates to the U.S. Constitution. Keeping with his week-by-week theme of belittling religion, he makes the obnoxious statement that if you don’t believe in Jesus, then Christians will be unlikely to give you “respect and dignity,” and that this attitude is “destructive of your soul.”
All religions have their beliefs regarding the salvation of the soul. Each of them believes they have the true answer. I am sure that Dr. Tom and Sanders are aware of this fact, but they have still chosen to try to single out Christianity as a hateful religion that is bad for society.
Somehow it is OK to declare Vought guilty of “Islamophobia” but the term “Christianophobia” doesn’t even exist. But it applies to you, Dr. Tom. You have made it your mission to try to tear down Christian belief in every column you write.
Although it is accurate to say that I feel your salvation is in danger because you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, this doesn’t mean I will not treat you with dignity and respect. I don’t want to belittle you like you belittle us. I view you as an opportunity to share Christ’s love and word. I don’t hate you; I pity you. I pray for you.
My support of the Constitution doesn’t leave me “torn.” The Constitution is clear: You have a right to peddle your anti-Christian propaganda. It is just disheartening to me that a paper like the Crier would choose to print your glorified opinion letter every week.
Although it is your constitutional right to speak how you feel, I am surprised that there is a sustainable market for this hate speech here on the Hill. I hope other religious folk who have undoubtedly taken offense to some of your statements also will write in and maybe your column will be as short-lived as Sanders’ presidency hopes. I don’t mind saying that I am praying for this, too.
Nicole Lovett
Pine Cove
Fear of the truth is the enemy, not the truth itself. We remain steadfast in our commitment to freedom of the press and speech even though some presidents or religious leaders may have themselves offered but poor examples of practicing these precious liberties. We take what we need from what we see and hear and leave the rest behind. This is freedom. To stifle press and speech is un-American. We take these freedoms for granted but should not, however uncomfortable what we may read or see may feel. We run the real risk of losing those freedoms when we give license to censorship. Beware of intolerance; try love when it’s hard to do that. Anybody can speak love and practice judgement.
Praying for something is one way of telling the Universe that what we ask for is just and correct. How about praying for a knowledge of the Universe’s will and the power to carry that out. Its will, not mine be done? Let’s face it, we aren’t in charge. The President’ s record on truth telling speaks for itself whether or not Sanders wishes to confirm it. I am not a sectarian, neither Christian, Muslim or Jew. I prefer love over hate.