As you’ve seen in the last few Town Crier issues, changes are coming to the Town Crier with the issue of Sept. 7, 2017.
First, the paper will be located in only in a few locations for $1 each. (See our column below.)
Distribution, therefore, will drop from about 5,500 to 3,800, still much more than our pre-2017 distribution of about 2,800.
Those of you locals who had subscriptions when we went free on the Hill Jan. 1 will begin getting your subscriptions back, extended for what amount of time is left on the subscription. Please be patient. I’m the one doing this, one at a time, and am getting that set up in batches. Not every former local subscriber will get their Town Crier in their mail box starting Sept. 7, but I will get caught up for you. I’m giving Members priority but have already gotten many others re-subscribed.
Once your subscription gets close to expiring, you will receive a Membership renewal form in the mail as we transition from the subscription to the Membership model.
If you already had a subscription and now have signed up for a Membership, I am extending your Membership by a year beginning with the subscription expiration date.
If you have any questions, email me at [email protected] or call 951-659-2145. Thank you for your patience and your support. We know that even though Jack and I run the Town Crier, the readers really “own” their community newspaper. Without you, the Town Crier wouldn’t be here.
Becky Clark, Editor