‘Back in the Day’ with the Mountain Quilters: More than 100 quilts, grandmas’ aprons

Mountain Quilters of Idyllwild members (from left) Sue Schmoll, Sally Tena and Donna Burns tend the admissions booth for the 2014 Quilt Show held at Buckhorn Camp.
Photo by John Drake

The Mountain Quilters, one of Idyllwild’s largest service organizations at 70 strong, is presenting its annual quilt show with a retro feel. Called “Back in the Day,” the show will feature quilts made from retro fabrics modeled on those made in the 1930s.

Complementing the theme, and adding a warm and comforting touch to the show, club members are also making aprons that grandmas would have worn — aprons that served many functions, from drying the tears of little ones to carrying that much-anticipated apple pie from the oven to the window sill.

Past President Diana Kurr said there would be more than 30 aprons displayed in Darrell Gillette best fashion-coordinated-style on a clothesline. More than 100 quilts also will be featured. The quilts will span the spectrum from vintage vibe to modern, with echoes of the Civil War, appliqué, scrappy and more.

An opportunity drawing for the Retro Farmhouse Quilt that is the theme of the show will take place. Also, there will be door prizes and vendors.

Admission is $7 with proceeds to be used for charitable purposes. “Husbands are free,” said Kurr, acknowledging that some of the ladies don’t like to drive up to Idyllwild on the curving mountain roads.

The show is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 7 and 8.

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