Water quality/new pipelines on Fern Valley agenda

Trischa Clark chairs first meeting

Opening her first meeting as president of the Fern Valley Water District, Trischa Clark welcomed new director George Rowell to his first board meeting last Friday.

In water business, General Manager Victor Jimenez reported that the recent precipitation, although small, had made a difference in the flow of Strawberry Creek.

“Strawberry Creek has come back to life,” he told the board. “The wells are looking very good.” Measured well levels were between a decrease of less than an inch to increases of less than 2 inches, he added.

In January, FVWD used wells as a water source for only 29 percent of production compared to 43 percent a year ago.

Staff has installed one new fire hydrant and has replaced more than 100 water meters, Jimenez reported.

In brief discussion of the future capital projects, Jimenez said he is preparing a plan for pipeline replacement in the Upper Rim Rock and Dogwood neighborhood. His preliminary cost estimate is about $900,000.

“If the board is in favor of a project that large, to avoid depleting reserves, we might consider a short-term loan,” he said. “I’ll discuss with the Planning Committee and then bring to the full board.”

He also is developing a plan for work on Tank 11, which elicited some water quality complaints from customers during the recent rate hearing. But work would wait until fire season passed before emptying the tank, he assured the board.

Adam Baker, who left for San Diego in November, has been replaced, but Jimenez said he is considering hiring another staff member. His recommendation and proposal will go to the Personnel Committee later this winter or spring, he said.

“We don’t want to keep ourselves too thin,” Clark commented.

In other board business, she appointed members to the board’s committees.

Committee Members

Planning: Robert Krieger, James Rees

Personnel: Trisha Clark, Richard Schnetzer

Budget: Trisha Clark, Robert Krieger

Policy Manual: George Rowell, Richard Schnetzer

Rates and Revenue: Trisha Clark, Robert Krieger

Water Quality: Robert Krieger, Jim Gates

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