Witnesses testified for the prosecution at the preliminary hearing for Brandon McGlover, 32, of Temecula, who has been charged with starting the Cranston Fire in July. The hearing was for the prosecution to convince the judge that adequate evidence exists to proceed with a trial for McGlover.
The Friday, Nov. 9, hearing was continued to Tuesday morning, Nov. 13.
McGlover has been charged with a total of 15 felony counts related to nine separate fires, of which the largest was the Cranston. As the hearing began, the minutes report that prosecuting attorney Daniel Fox intended to “prove up two more counts” of arson of an inhabited structure.
The first witness was Officer Nicholas Troncale, a detective with the Hemet Police Department, who arrested McGlover after several citizens reported his car near and at several of the fire scenes.
Following Troncale, four citizens testified about seeing McGlover’s car present at the fires. The nine arson fires were all set the same day, July 25, and were in the Idyllwild, Anza and Sage areas.
If convicted as currently charged, McGlover faces a potential life sentence. He is currently being held in custody and bail is set at $3.5 million.