CPUC seeks volunteers for study of Internet promise vs. performance
The California Public Utilities Commission; the Geographical Information Center at California State University, Chico; and CSU, Monterey Bay, are seeking 500 volunteers to take part in the CPUC Home Internet Study, CalSPEED Home.
Many consumers of broadband Internet service wonder whether they are getting the quality of service for which they are paying. California is the first state to undertake its own Internet testing to help answer this question.
The CPUC will use data gathered from CalSPEED Home to provide information to state policymakers dealing with broadband issues such as universal service and the Digital Divide, in addition to providing money-saving information to consumers.
Volunteers will be asked to attach a small device to their home Internet router for a two-week period, during which time speed and quality tests will be performed. The study will not monitor volunteers’ Internet use in any way, and volunteers will have access to their own testing results.
The first phase of the study will determine whether some technologies are better than others in their ability to deliver promised speeds and analyze whether the home’s Wi-Fi network is the culprit slowing down the service for which the customer is paying.
Whether a customer is receiving service from a telephone, cable, fiber, wireless or satellite company, the CPUC seeks their help to arrive at meaningful results.
Interested volunteers can sign up by going to www.calspeed.net and completing a simple survey. Selected participants will be chosen in accordance with the sampling plan to ensure a statistically significant distribution of the devices. Devices will be shipped to eligible volunteers after selection.
Potential volunteers seeking information on participating in CalSPEED Home should contact CalSPEED Support at [email protected].