
The ‘Not So Newlywed Game’ comes to Idyllwild

Four Hill couples will be putting their knowledge of their spouses on the line.

The “Not So Newlywed Game” will be a fun fundraiser to benefit the new Idyllwild Community Center. The event takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 8, at Town Hall, and it will be emceed by Idyllwild’s own stage/film/television actor/personality Conor O’Farrell who — according to event publicist Suzy Capparelli — will be composing family friendly questions designed to find out how well these couples really know each other.

The four couples in the spotlight will be Jim Crawford and Marcia Waldorf, Ginger and Bo Dagnall, Spiros Groubos and Jim Palmer, and Pamela Jordan and Chris Scott.

Capparelli said the planned format is for the first spouse to be hidden away out of earshot of the stage while the second spouse responds to questions about the first — such as his or her predilections, preferences, views, etc. Then the first spouse will return and try to guess at what the second spouse had dared to answer. And they and we will learn how well they really know each other.

Featured entertainment during the evening will be love songs by singer-songwriter Greg Kojar, who has performed on multiple occasions with Barbra Streisand and in New York night spots. 

Tickets are on sale at Idyllwild Pharmacy and Silver Pines Lodge. Your $25 contribution to the new community center includes dessert catered by Mamma Mia, Idyllwild’s new pastry place. Fine wine from Baily Winery (Temecula) and great beer from Don Put (Idyllwild Brewpub) will be available for purchase. 

Sounds like a fun evening, no? And “Isn’t fun the best thing to have?” (Dudley Moore as Arthur).

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