Firefighters extinguish flames as Idyllwild holds its breath

Sunday afternoon, Aug. 11, a house on Linger Lane in Idyllwild burned. The cause is still under investigation, according to Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) Captain Adam Rodriguez.
Shortly before 2:30 p.m., sirens were heard throughout town. Responding with IFPD were Cal Fire’s station 23 and state engine 3172from Pine Cove along with several U.S. Forest Service units, including engine 56.
“The fire was established before the call came in,” Rodriguez said. “By the time the neighbors called, it was fully involved.”
Before the firefighters arrived, neighbors were trying to help using garden hoses, he added. One person incurred a minor injury but did not request transport to a medical facility.
Upon arriving on the scene and discovering a well-established fire, Rodriguez and others worked diligently to keep the fire from spreading to nearby houses and ultimately through town or into the forest.
Downed power lines were discovered and Southern California Edison was called out for repair.
“It blew a lot of smoke, but fortunately there was little to no wind during the incident,” said Rodriguez. IFPD finally left the scene about 6:30 p.m. on Sunday.