Impeachment vote brings local rallies

Fire log Hill fire stations responded to the following calls, Tuesday to Monday, July 24 to July 30, 2012: Idyllwild Fire Department and Ambulance July 24 —Medical aid, Live Oak Street, Idyllwild. July 24 — Medical aid standby, Forest Haven Road at Suicide Rock trailhead, Idyllwild. July 24 — Cooking fire, Temecula Drive, Idyllwild. July…
Idyllwild School was again selected as a Title I Academic Achievement recipient. Idyllwild had been previously honored for the academic year 2007-08.
For the tenth consecutive year, the Idyllwild Town Crier is requesting nominations for the annual Ernie Maxwell Community Spirit Award. Bring your nomination to the Town Crier office at 54405 N. Circle Dr., mail it to P.O. Box 157, Idyllwild, CA 92549, or send by email to [email protected] by Thursday, Aug. 27. The honor is…
Riverside County’s property assessments continue to recover from the last recession. For fiscal 2017-18, the assessment roll exceeds its previous record achieved in 2008. Current total county property assessment is $269.1 billion, which is 5.5 percent more than last year’s total of $255.1 billion. This is the fifth-consecutive year of growth after Riverside County suffered…
At a special meeting, Monday, June 18, the Pine Cove Water District Board of Directors adopted a resolution setting the standby assessments for fiscal year 2018-19. The assessment is $30 per acre for each acre or portion in a single parcel. Only parcels without a water meter are assessed the fee, which is the same…
At its Friday, Aug. 19 meeting, the Fern Valley Water District (FVWD) board and general manager struggled with the difficulty of accurately forecasting an annual budget when fees from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for inspections can fluctuate greatly from year to year. “It’s difficult to get accurate fee estimates from [CDPH],” said…