Town Crier membership still growing!
Great seeing the list of Town Crier Members in last week’s paper — 767 strong! We’re five months into our third membership year and still growing. It’ll be wonderful if we can close in on 800 by the start of our fourth year on Sept. 1.
So, if you are up for renewal, please do so promptly and keep a real newspaper serving our Hill community. How about discussing Town Crier stories with your friends and neighbors? That’s a great way to keep everyone informed and to encourage new members to join us all in staying updated as to what is happening on our Hill.
Also, please come to one of our weekly news meetings, which are open to the public. That’s where we discuss potential stories for upcoming papers. Open-to-the-public news meetings are part of what the Town Crier does to maintain the goodwill and support of our readers. So, come join us and have your voice heard.
We usually meet at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at the Idyllwild Library — Thursday morning if Monday is a Town Crier holiday. This week, the meeting will be Thursday because Wednesday is a library holiday and it will be closed.
Congratulations and thanks to you all!