PCT hiker rescued over weekend

The Riverside County Sheriff Department, Riverside County Fire, AMR and Idyllwild Fire Protection District wait for the Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit to help a PCT hiker off the trail after being exposed to the elements for two to three days. photo by Jenny Kirchner

A Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) hiker was found in a near-hypothermic state Saturday afternoon after fellow hikers found him wandering in the snow and off the trail in wet clothes with no shoes.
The PCT hiker had been in the area for two to three days after hiking through knee-deep snow. The Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit (RMRU) happened to be training near Saddle Junction when the hikers flagged them down to help rescue the man.
“He’s lucky to be alive. If he wasn’t found when he was, he probably wouldn’t have made it through the night,” Riverside County Sheriff Deputy Jeremy Parsons said.
After hikers and RMRU helped the hiker change into dry clothes and wrapped him in warm gear, they slowly made their way to Humber Park where the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, Riverside County Fire, AMR and Idyllwild Fire Protection District were waiting for his arrival.
The hiker was immediately taken by paramedics to an awaiting ambulance for evaluation.

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