70 years ago - 1950
During the 1950 deer season, about 165 bucks were legally taken from the area. The total was about 30 fewer than the previous year.
65 years ago - 1955
The Town Crier celebrated its ninth anniversary “since that crisp Halloween in 1946 when the first issue was cranked out on a hand machine.”
60 years ago - 1960
The Idyllwild Republican Women’s Club paid for an advertisement in the Town Crier urging readers to support Richard Nixon.
55 years ago - 1965
A tentative budget of $10,000 was set for Town Hall and community recreation. Plans for street lighting were being drawn up.
50 years ago - 1970
Speakers at a Sierra Club conference at University of California, Riverside, spoke about Garner Valley’s smog, water pollution, land use, legal action and other aspects of environmental quality.
45 years ago - 1975
Mike Romney and Dee Davis of Mountain Tiffany House, a glassware shop, were making stained glass windows for the Idyllwild Community Church.
40 years ago - 1980
Plans for a new full-service restaurant in Idyllwild, including a bar and live entertainment, were disclosed. A public notice made it known that R. and E. Watts Inc. had applied to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a license to operate a “general eating place” on the south side of Strawberry Creek Square.
35 years ago - 1985
Nearly 40 people participated in a search-and-rescue exercise the El Toro Marine Base helicopter conducted for the Idyllwild Fire Department at Camp Maranatha.
30 years ago - 1990
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved an interim-zoning ordinance that addressed controlled-growth areas on the Hill, limiting development on various properties occupied by private schools, camps and churches.
25 years ago - 1995
Fern Valley Water District’s application for the annexation of the Saunders Meadow area, which consisted of 57 properties, was approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission.
20 years ago - 2000
Hemet Unified School District administrators announced that Idyllwild School’s $3-million remodeling project was $1.5 million over budget, which caused the school to do without certain luxuries.
15 years ago - 2005
After a recent storm, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council decided to contact at least a half-dozen nonresidential homeowners about possible fallen trees, roof damage and decapitated chimneys.
10 years ago - 2010
Brendan Steele may now be known as the “Cardiac Kid.” The Idyllwild native carried a 5-shot lead into Sunday’s final round of the Nationwide Tour Championship tournament, but needed a four-hole playoff to win it.
5 years ago - 2015
Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency due to the number of dead and dying trees resulting from the four-year drought.
1 year ago - 2019
A new television series for FX billed as “The Old Man,” starring Jeff Bridges, filmed in Idyllwild on Oct. 30, 2019.