IWD reapproves salary hikes

Idyllwild Water District (IWD) Director Dave Hunt requested the board of directors “consider reestablishing paygrade and step schedule that includes 2.5% per step, and reestablish the district policy of a one-time bonus upon certification completion” at IWD’s November board of directors meeting.

On the staff report, General Manager Leo Havener recommended the salary schedule approved by the board in the October meeting stay in effect. The board approved a salary step increase from 2.5% to 5.0% in a 4-1 vote at the October meeting. Hunt was the only board member to vote against the increase.

At the November meeting, Hunt made the motion to “modify our [the district’s] salary schedule to include 20 steps at 2.5%.” It failed in a 2-3 vote with Director Steve Kunkle joining Hunt to return to the 2.5% salary step increase.

“I think it’s fiscally irresponsible for us to spend that kind of money over the next 10 years,” Hunt said at the end of the meeting during directors’ comments.

“If I had this information I think at the last meeting, I might have changed my vote because I was under the impression that with the state industry standard there was about 10 steps there,” Kunkle said after Hunt presented the documents outlining the salary steps of other local districts. “So, I am coming to find out that maybe it is a little different here.”

“I would like to save the district as much money as possible, but right now, I don’t think saving money in our employees’ increase is the route to go,” Board President Dr. Charles Schelly said regarding the increase and continued on by saying that five years is the most tenure the district has. Schelly said that he would like to build that up and have an incentive to stay — one that is better than all of their competitors.

Also included in the November staff report under background is: “The majority of local water districts have 12 steps of 2.5%. Our current step schedule increase of 5.0% from 2.5% is not consistent with the standards in the local industry. To assist in equity, a one-time bonus for certificate completion by employees would increase pay grade motivation. (Per Director Hunt).”

Two of the three documents outlining local districts’ step schedule Hunt provided during the meeting to the board and the public are included with the story.

Documents provided by Idyllwild Water District Director Dave Hunt during the November board of directors meeting.
Documents courtesy of Dave Hunt

The two documents included are from the city of Banning and Eastern Municipal Water District. Written on document for the city of Banning is “Pine Cove: no steps, just performance-based. Coachella Valley equals 2.5% (verbally from front office).” Hunt wrote that Rancho California Water District has 2.0% increase each year over 10 years. The third document, according to Hunt, is a salary schedule from Lake Elsinore outlining that each whole step is 2.5%.

Other district business

Hunt brought another item before the board. This one was to implement district-wide policy regarding coronavirus mitigation protocols. The item passed in a 4-0-1 vote with Director Peter Szabadi abstaining. Hunt made a three-part motion that one “we [the district] post on all district exterior doors ‘mask required when two or more persons are in the same room.’ The second part is only one person per district vehicle, and the third part, is masks are required outside when within 6 feet of another person.”

Havener listed the following in his overview included with the meeting’s agenda on matters that required his attention since Oct. 21: Newsletter has been mailed to all ratepayers, safety ladders are being fabricated, Strawberry Creek analysis is in process, meeting with staff regarding modifications to the salary schedule, staff began a 5/8 work schedule on Nov. 2, promoted Joe Reyes to chief water operator, posted a position for operator-in-training or water operator I, Danny Campbell (wastewater operator II) will travel to Salt Lake City on Nov. 20 for jetter training, removed and installed water service line across Highway 243 at the school, reviewed legislations, field staff repaired various leaks within the district, worked on personnel matters, prepared items for board meeting, held management team meetings, addressed various customer service issues, communicated with general counsel regarding various district matters, and met and discussed district matters with individual board members.

Kunkle put together a list of things for the directors and general manager to see within the district. During the meeting, the public was also added as who should see things throughout the district. The list as presented is included with this story.

rector Peter Szabadi abstaining. Hunt made a three-part motion that one “we [the district] post on all district exterior doors ‘mask required when two or more persons are in the same room.’ The second part is only one person per district vehicle, and the third part, is masks are required outside when within 6 feet of another person.”

Havener listed the following in his overview included with the meeting’s agenda on matters that required his attention since Oct. 21: Newsletter has been mailed to all ratepayers, safety ladders are being fabricated, Strawberry Creek analysis is in process, meeting with staff regarding modifications to the salary schedule, staff began a 5/8 work schedule on Nov. 2, promoted Joe Reyes to chief water operator, posted a position for operator-in-training or water operator I, Danny Campbell (wastewater operator II) will travel to Salt Lake City on Nov. 20 for jetter training, removed and installed water service line across Highway 243 at the school, reviewed legislations, field staff repaired various leaks within the district, worked on personnel matters, prepared items for board meeting, held management team meetings, addressed various customer service issues, communicated with general counsel regarding various district matters, and met and discussed district matters with individual board members.

Kunkle put together a list of things for the directors and general manager to see within the district. During the meeting, the public was also added as who should see things throughout the district. The list as presented is included with this story.

Idyllwild Water District Director Steve Kunkle put together a list of things for the directors and general manager to see within the district. During the meeting, the public was also added as who should see things throughout the district.
Document courtesy of Idyllwild Water District

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