Readers Write: January 21, 2021
Support of Trump sign
Dear editor:
Last week’s letter to the editor titled “Hate has no home here,” was exactly the
opposite of the title.
With hateful emotions the writers want to censor what legal signs a person can put up. Trump represents different things to different people, but people are not open to other views and the letters are proof.
To me, the sign shows visitors that we are an open view community and that not everyone in California believes like our governor.
So, leave the Trump sign up as now it is a piece of history!
For me, I would have loved to see a Biden and the other Joe Biden signs right next to it, but I have never seen that in California.
Tolerance for other views is sadly rarely found in our state.
Merrie VonSeggern
Climate collapse and H.R. 763
Dear editor:
We have come to a “moment of truth,” and it’s time to take a good look at what we are doing. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are now at their highest levels with CO2 hitting 417 parts per million. The last time CO2 levels exceeded 400 parts per million was around four million years ago.
It’s really past time to harness our energy from sustainable sources or our children will be facing unfortunate environmental consequences. The past decade was the hottest on record and we have all seen the evidence, from unprecedented wildfires across the U.S. to the extraordinary heat of Siberia, as the impacts of climate change were felt in every corner of the world in 2020.
We are facing a climate collapse.
What can we do about it? The rising levels of greenhouse gases are something that we have caused and is therefore something we can fix. Scientists are working on ways to extract carbon from the atmosphere while industries are tapping into wind energy, solar energy, etc., all to bring our emissions down.
We can solve our climate crisis by moving urgently to 100% clean energy.
This cannot happen overnight, but this is an emergency, so the quicker the better. Passing legislation that reduces emissions is necessary. Many bills have been proposed and it looks like the science is past cap-and-trade. Any bill that proposes to reduce our emissions and draw down carbon is worth looking into.
H.R. 763 proposes to do this in a fair way to reduce emissions and address our economic concerns. It places a fee on fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas at the source (mine, well or pipeline). This fee is designed to encourage companies to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and transition to cleaner alternatives. It then distributes these funds to all households as monthly dividends to offset expected rising energy costs and any price increases for products. Families with a lower carbon footprint will benefit the most.
Any bill that proposes moving to zero emissions and 100% clean energy is worth looking into. We urgently need to all get on board to solve this. Do visit Dr. Raul Ruiz, our representative in Congress at his website: Call his office at 760-424-8888 or contact him via Facebook at to voice your wishes.
Now is the time to do this for the benefit of future generations.
Frank Baele
Constitutional rights
Dear editor:
Two letters in the Town Crier last week illustrated how some people want to twist the Constitution to give themselves rights but deny them to others.
The second derided the violence in one city while ignoring the previous and ongoing violence in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Georgia and others including the June 1 threat to Idyllwild checked only by the Sheriff’s Department and the local American Legion.
Then, it went on to denigrate the signage with only one name on it and to praise signs by an opposing group displaying a violently clenched fist and the group that threatened our town and required the presence of the Sheriff’s Department.
Both letters advocate the stripping of Constitutional rights from one person. If the rights of this person are stripped, how long will it be until the rights of others, the theater, the press, LBGT’s, Christians or students are repressed?
The kindness to give others the freedom, rights and respect that Americans cherish is lacking. The hate and lies deplored in these letters are clearly displayed within the authors.
The First Amendment applies to all citizens and their opinions, not just a few.
Please read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights along with the Amendments with the realization that this applies to ALL citizens.
I suggest that we promote cooperation and respect because this hateful rhetoric will not promote unity. If anyone would like a copy of the Constitution for memory refreshment, ask me for one. I have copies.
Nancy Borchers
Pine Cove