Vaccinations becoming available

I had my first COVID vaccine shot Monday. I qualify now because I’m 75 plus. Becky made an appointment for me at a county facility down in Beaumont, and I’m set for my second shot as well. I’m relating this so you’ll know vaccination is becoming available. But the vaccination doesn’t quite come to us, we have to go after it.
So, if you’re interested in being vaccinated, check online with, find out if you are currently eligible, or when you will become eligible, and arrange an appointment for your own vaccination.
But even after we’re vaccinated, we still need to mask up and keep our distances because we can still pick up the virus by contact with someone and pass it on to others even after we’ve been vaccinated. We want to keep our tourist-popular Hill community as safe as possible for all of us.
Thanks to all you Town Crier Members, readers and advertisers for keeping the TC serving our community.

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