Life Tribute: Ellen Mary Feeley 1947-2021

My beloved wife, a mother, grandmother, sister and friend to so many, passed away at home in the very early morning hours of Friday, Feb. 26 after a long struggle with Atrial fibrillation, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and ultimately, congestive heart failure.
Her husband, son, granddaughter and sister were all gathered to see her.
A native of Massachusetts, she lived a life of adventure, traveling and living in many, many places around the United States, well earning her nickname “Tumbleweed.” She loved all things in nature, road trips (loved the “Blue Highways” the best) and had a ferocious curiosity about everyone and everything.
She loved to laugh. She was a published photographer, writer and poet. She embraced life with both arms and a generous heart.
She loved fiercely and unconditionally and was loved by so many who must smile when they think of her even as they weep at her passing. She was a joyful soul and a complete Original. There never was, nor will there ever be, another like her.
To all of you who loved Ellie … Thank you for your thoughts of her, your memories. She loved you right back! Every one of you! Until next time, my Darling, with all my Love.