Do you really need your federal stimulus money for your own COVID relief?

By Becky & Jack Clark
Town Crier co-publishers

The most recent federal COVID relief money already is being deposited in people’s accounts. If your family of two is earning up to $150,000 per year, you’re receiving $2,800 in federal money. But do you really need that $2,800 for your COVID relief? And if you live alone and are earning up to $75,000 per year, do you really need that $1,400 for COVID relief?

Families earning far less really do need monetary relief far more during these rough times — not just for healthful food and warm clothing, but for rent, utilities, fuel, computer equipment and decent internet connections so their children can attend school virtually during COVID days. These folks will use their federal relief money for necessities — and some of us Hill folk don’t really need ours for our own COVID relief at all.

If you don’t really need this coronavirus relief money, how about transferring your allotted share to folks in our community who really do need it? Let’s stimulate the economy from the ground up.

The Idyllwild HELP Center has an active and responsive five-person board of directors, and an executive officer, Colleen Meyer, who will redirect your unneeded relief money to their clients — families and folks who really do need it during these rough times. You’ll get a receipt and a big tax deduction because the HELP Center is an official 501(c)(3) organization.

Best of all, you will have the satisfaction knowing you are doing so much for those truly in need during these times. Please, let’s get this movement going right away. Donate your unneeded federal COVID relief money to those who really do need it — we’ll keep track of the running total raised right here on the front page of the Town Crier.

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