Shannon Ng manages both Idyllwild and Anza libraries
On June 1 of this year, Idyllwild Library Branch Manager Shannon Ng also became Anza Valley Community Library’s branch manager.
“I’m just now getting comfortable,” she said. “The COVID restrictions were lifted about the time I started managing both branches, so things became complicated very quickly.”
She was offered the Anza position when the branch manager there was promoted to the new French Valley Library, located on Skyview Road off Highway 79 in Winchester.
Asked about her plans, she said they are still fluid because hiring and training new staff at both locations was a priority during the first few months.
“Since then, I have been working with the staff at Anza Valley Community Library to get us back in the public eye,” Ng said. “We have created programming, both in-person and virtual, to bring families back to the library. We are actively looking for ways to get out into the community. I’ll be participating in Halloween [in Anza] this year.”
She said Anza library usage is lower than in Idyllwild. “We share the library facility with the Hamilton High School library on their campus. We are a joint-use facility.
“The school library is available during the day and the public library is open after school. One of our goals is to promote the use of the public side. With the pandemic closures, people aren’t aware that the library is fully open again.”
The Anza branch does not have a community room, she said, “but the available space makes it possible for us to do evening meetings, community programs and more. We are able to use the school library space when there aren’t students present.
“We have already started Storytimes and special Saturday programs. This year we have had voting in the library but the school worked directly with the Registrar of Voters to make it happen.”
Asked how she is able to juggle managing both libraries, she said, “Much of what I do is the same for both branches so that part isn’t too bad. I was in search of something fresh and a bit of a challenge. This situation works.
“As you know, the staff at Idyllwild Library is amazing. I can count on them to keep the library running smoothly while I take on new things both at Anza and system-wide for the Riverside County Library System. I’m spoiled with such an amazing team to work with.”
She also was complimentary of the Anza staff. “The staff at Anza is well on their way to being another amazing team. These are very creative, enthusiastic people and I’m happy to be working with them all. Their support makes it possible for me to spend time on RCLS committees that interest me.”
Along with managing two branch libraries, Ng also involves herself in benefiting communities throughout the county. She currently is working on training with the county’s Mental Health First Aid and serves on the Homelessness Resource Committee.
She also leads the annual summer reading program county-wide. “We use an application called BookPoints to provide the summer reading program online. I’m the RCLS Committee chair for the BookPoints committee.”
If that isn’t enough, “I also have time to spend on the the eResources Committee focusing on Ancestry and family history, a personal interest of mine,” she added. “I’m happily staying very busy.”