County board approves Idyllwild Fire tax advance
At its Sept. 20 meeting, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved the request from the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) for an advance of its property tax revenue.
IFPD requested an advance of $400,000 from the county in July. The advance will be repaid, with interest, in December and January when Riverside County makes its first distribution of property tax receipts to the cities and special districts. The county estimated the interest would be about $3,400 this year.
From July through the middle of December, the district’s cash flow is limited to ambulance collections because it receives no property tax or assessments during that period.
The county limits the use of the advance tax revenue to “any normal operating expense of the District included in the district’s fiscal year 2022-23 budget.”
The commission has requested a $400,000 advance each year since 2016. In 2014, it was $300,000 and in 2011, it was $450,000.
California’s Constitution and Government Code have provisions that allow the county to temporarily advance and transfer funds to special districts. The limit is 85% of the anticipated revenues for the current fiscal year.