Creature Corner: November 24, 2022

By Janice Murasko
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” celebrated Newton’s adoption and talked about pets handing the time change.
Phil: Brrrr! It’s been pretty cold these last few days.
Atlas: If autumn is this chilly, what is this winter going to bring?
Don: Snow! That’s what it will bring.
Cuddles: Ah, snow. It is so beautiful!
Phil: I would so love to be in a forever home so I could lounge in front of a window with my family and watch the snowflakes fall.
Don: Oh, that sounds so Norman Rockwell!
Cuddles: Your description, Phil, conjures up images of a happy family with a much-loved pet.
Phil: Yeah! And how about a crackling fire to add warmth and ambiance?
Atlas: You guys are making me feel sad that I’m missing all the holiday magic.
Pepper: Atlas, you are so young that you have time to celebrate all holidays with a family.
Cuddles: That’s right. ARF just needs to draw in the perfect human to see how adorable you are. Then you’ll be in a forever home, hopefully in time for the holiday celebrations.
Don: Wouldn’t the holidays be extra special for a family that adopts a cat or dog?
Atlas: Yes, they would be.
Phil: When I think about it, pet adoption fits right into the spirit of giving. What a wonderful way for a person to show caring, love, and compassion.
Pepper: And I am pretty certain the lucky cat or dog will return the gifts of care, love and compassion. We pets do our best to make our humans feel special.
Atlas: I know I would! I can entertain them, purr for them, weave my way through their legs and offer unconditional love.
Phil: That’s it! That is our most important gift … unconditional love.
Don: What more could a person want?
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Highway 243. ARF is open Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and during the week by appointment. Please call 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Sandi Mathers.