Increased Spanish access now available for county meetings

Providing critical and high-quality county services starts with understanding the needs of the whole community. It is with this principle in mind that the Riverside County Board of Supervisors meetings, agendas and minutes are now available en español.

The new Spanish offering is aimed to increase civic participation in county government and enhance county decision-making. This means residents may now watch, listen and read along in Spanish as they engage with county government through live translation.

“Increasing Spanish access has been an important issue for me and for the community,” said 4th District Supervisor V. Manuel Perez. “When our constituents participate in meetings in their own language, not only can they better understand the issues that impact the communities they live and work in, but they can also feel more confident providing feedback to the county.

“Our entire community deserves to understand the business of the county and to be heard on matters in front of the board. I give kudos to our county team for doing this, for having the will to do this, and the County of Riverside for making this happen, as one of the first counties to now have agendas available entirely in Spanish and real-time Spanish interpretation provided at meetings.”

Riverside County’s population is 52% Hispanic and current estimates set Spanish spoken in the home at 33%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Interpreters simultaneously translate the entire board of supervisors meeting from English to Spanish, as well as public comments from residents who wish to address the board in Spanish. Listening devices are available with the clerk of the board for those residents attending the meeting in person and who wish to listen en español. For those who watch board meetings online, a Spanish livestream of the board meeting is available on the clerk of the board’s website at

The board of supervisors meeting agendas and proceedings are also translated in Spanish and posted on the clerk of the board’s website at The agendas and proceedings provide Spanish-speaking residents a chance to review the business in front of the board before the board takes a vote.

“Whether in person or remote, our Spanish speaking constituents will hopefully be more engaged in county government, which will aid the decision-making process,” added 5th District Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez. “We want to hear from residents. Take an active part in or board meetings without worrying about language barriers.”

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